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Ready-to-Use Dollhouse Stained Glass Windows for Hand Coloring in MOBI, DJV, FB2


145 standard size windows printed on translucent paper. Color and mount to get stained glass effects., 145 windows in the standard size printed on translucent paper. Color and mount to get stained glass effect., Decorate your dollhouse with selections from these 145 stained glass windows, all in the standard 1" to 1' dollhouse size, drawn by a well-known artist and stained glass designer. All the designs are printed on translucent paper, so once colored and mounted, they produce a beautiful stained glass effect. You can use markers, crayons, pencils, acrylics, watercolors, tempera, or oil paints. Color one side or both sides in different colors for a rich effect. Instructions are included on the inside covers.Most of the designs are Victorian, the most popular dollhouse style, but some Art Deco and Federal windows are also included. Many of the windows have repeat patterns, so rooms or whole houses can be matched. For tiny windows or specific needs, you can cut many of the windows in two, since most of the patterns are symmetrical. Designs for dollhouse door panels, fan lights, and transoms are also featured. These designs can also be used for display boxes and small craft projects., This charming gallery of ready-to-use stained glass windows offers 145 designs, all in the standard 1" to 1' dollhouse size. Most of the styles are Victorian; some Art Deco and Federal windows are included. All are printed on translucent paper; color with markers, crayons, pencils, or paints and install for warm, glowing effects., windows in the standard 1 to 1 size printed on translucent paper. Color and mount to get stained glass effect."

Ready-to-Use Dollhouse Stained Glass Windows for Hand Coloring ebook EPUB, FB2, PDF

A man's corpse on the bathroom floor-next to a half-empty glass of anti-freeze.Ninety-five large stained glass panels tell the story of his life and subsequent miracles at his tomb.Full color.32 pp., My purpose in writing this book is to explain how watching professional sports has taught me lessons in ways I could not have understood otherwise.With detailed discussions of critical reading, media literacy, academic writing, and argument, as well as writing as a process, writing in the disciplines, and writing beyond the classroom, this handbook addresses writers of varying experience and in varying fields in a format that is a brief and convenient.With innovative projects and instructional photography, this volume is both a visual source book and practical reference guide to an exciting craft., Mosaic-making is a classic art that uses marble, vitreous glass and smalti.The contributors draw upon a variety of interdisciplinary approaches and new methodologies in order to take account of the development of revisionist modernist studies over the past three decades.That is why the production of a 2nd edition seems so relevant to those in the field.Inside The Home Orchard Handbook, you'll find: --Strategies for choosing your orchard's site, taking into consideration soil quality, sun exposure, microclimates, drainage, and more --Information on plant selection, including what types of fruit trees do well in certain areas and how to decipher critical concepts such as "chill hours," "cultivars," "bareroot," and "cross-pollination" --Guidance on aftercare, including in-depth watering, composting, and preventative care schedules to keep your backyard orchard fruitful for years --Advice on troubleshooting diseases, conditions, and non-beneficial insects using only humane, organic remedies --General tips on jamming, dehydrating, storing, and otherwise making the most of your orchard's harvest with delicious recipes from chefs Tal Ronnen and Diana Stobo Start growing your own fruit trees wherever you are with The Home Orchard Handbook!, Crisp apples, tart lemons, lush figs, tender peaches-imagine the bounty of a late-summer farmer's market, right in your backyard!Whether you'd like to practice first on the regular coloring paper before drawing on the vellum, or display two radically different versions of each design, the future looks bright.Design and planning information helps readers prepare the site and select the right ceramic, stone, porcelain, vinyl, or glass tile.