The Healing Path of Prayer : A Modern Mystic's Guide to Spiritual Power by Peter Occhiogrosso MOBI, DOC, FB2


Prayer is the key to tapping into the healing energy of the Divine. Yet for many people, prayer has been reduced to a rote practice that has lost its basic meaning and efficacy. In his long-awaited book for an ecumenical readership, internationally renowned spiritual healer Ron Roth teaches his unique approach to prayer as energy medicine.The Healing Path of Prayerexplains in detail the connection between healing, faith, and prayer. Roth shows you how to find your own path to prayer in a way that connects with God's healing energy. As Roth explains, you can use this energy for physical healing, and perhaps more significantly, for healing emotional and spiritual wounds that may be the root of physical maladies. The Healing Path of Prayeroffers specific guidance in setting up a daily prayer practice that is rewarding and meaningful. Through a series of simple but effective exercises and rituals, Roth shows you how to celebrate your own sacraments and become a mystic in the course of your everyday life. As Roth revitalizes many tired, traditional prayers with his fresh and inspiring reinterpretations from original scripture, he also recounts the dramatic story of when he discovered his healing abilities, as well as true case studies of healing in which he has participated. The Healing Path of Prayeris a blueprint for a truly democratic spirituality. Each chapter offers a new, higher level of prayer, enabling you to acquire more advanced techniques of focus, intention, and insight. Roth's instruction on how to pray and establish a daily practice of meditation will lead you into a vital path of everyday mysticism and personal power.

Read The Healing Path of Prayer : A Modern Mystic's Guide to Spiritual Power in MOBI, TXT, FB2

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